S.F. Group is the Non Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs) provider. We contract with the major carriers to enable us to provide quality services to our customers and partners with competitive rates.  We have the expertise, reliability , and confidence to provide effective transportation services locally and globally to the customers.  We care for your need, not only the cargoes but also your clients.  Let's build up the long-term relationship to become world forwarder leader in the future.
In 2003, SF Systems unified our company logo and company banner under the name: S.F. Systems.  We expected the registered company name to become a First Class license operation in 2003 in the China region.  S.F. Systems applied the China NVOCC registration at the China Transportation Dept.  This allowed the S.F. Systems’ bill of lading to be a formal operation in the China market. 
